Our Clients
Triarchy Technologies is a Canadian based company with international contacts. We have either directly worked with, or indirectly provided services for clients in North America, Europe, Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Some clients cannot be listed here due to privacy reasons, and Triarchy Technologies extends the same privacy and discretion to all past and future clients. We make the satisfaction of our clients our first priority. Some of the close clients we have repeated businesses with are:


A-Team Technology Limited (A. Team)
A Hong Kong telecommunication manufacturer developed and supplied all kinds of telecommunication products such as cordless phone, feature phone, TARM, CID/SMS, ISDN phone and business phone to their main customers.


Altan Technologies INC.
Created in 2003, Altan Technologies is a Canadian company that has built on each successful product development assignment and today enjoys the trust, partnership and repeat business of a large number of distinguished clients.


Shanghai Shenda Automated Security Systems Engineer Limited
An affiliate under No.50 Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation, it specializes in the design and production security alarms systems since 1987, and is the pioneer for this industry in Shanghai.
http://www.sh50shenda.com/jianjie.htm (Chinese)
English Translation